Correlation Between Sexual Abuse and Addictions
WELCOME! YOU ARE SAFE HERE! This is a Web-page with a Purpose!
If you are an Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse,or a Parent of an abused Child,or one with addictions issues or just a curious student of life,then this is for you.
Hello,my name is Doug,and I am an Alcoholic and Drug Addict.I am also an Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse.
This is a place where not only you can get information,but where you can get help,support,understanding and even Prayer.I "died"of a Drug Overdose,and God came into my life and as set a task for me.This is one part of that task.
I will post your story,getting it out is a wonderful step in the healing process.
I waited thirty-seven years to tell my story,I kept it a dark secret,no one knew.I am only now in the process of hopefully having my transgressor,the Pedophile who raped and abused me for two years brought to justice.
I will of course keep you posted,but right now you need to look to the links section on the right side,you will find important resources as well as testimony.
I have always been under the impression that my addictions was just a result of my own stupidity.I still maintain that we are ultimately responsible for our own actions,however I have discovered so much research lately pointing to a connection between the fact I was sexually abused as a young teenager and the fact that I became an addict at the same time.It would seem that victims off sexual child abuse are much more likely*to develop "coping mechanisms"to survive the memories of the abuse.
The list of disorders reads like a who's who of compulsive behavior,there is of course the normal alcoholism and drug addictions,of which I am a poster boy for,but also eating disorders such as Compulsive Eating Disorder,anorexisa,Bulimia,Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorder(heh,I didn't make the names,I am just reporting them!),Binge Eating Disorder(guilty)gambling and even suicides.There is one they do not mention,as many do not class it as an disorder,but I am willing to bet next months ad revenues(hopefully someone needs the info provided by the ads)that the vast majority of sexually abused children grow up to be tobacco abusers,good old cigarettes,mmm,mmm,mm,gooooodd! got a light?
Childhood sexual abuse need not control your future,there is help and support.Tell others,do not let it swell and fester inside you.Alcoholism and Drug Addiction,or gambling addiction,eating disorders are all treatable diseases.I use the term disease only because that is the current train of thought amongst most,but not all,treatment philosophy's.I feel that if it is a disease,then sexual or other abuse may lower our bodies natural immune system,and that is why you will find such a high percentage of addicts were also abuse victims when they where in their childhoods.Like most theories there are alternative points of view,and I have actually read that there is no statistical evidence to back up the claim that childhood abuse lead to addiction.This to me flies in the face of my own personal experience.There have been many times that I was in a "shooting circle"(a group all injecting drugs)and tales of abuse would abound.
Funny thing about those times,I never once confessed to my past,not even when others were openly talking about it.I was a superior junkie,I didn't use drugs to cover up feelings,I used drugs for pain,and for fun.Yeah,right!
I am looking for input to this site.I am presently waiting on some submissions to arrive but wanted to start things off.If you have a site that you feel should be listed or linked please let me know.
Please either leave a comment or email
Your site must be of relative interest,either to victims of sexual or other abuse or addictions.I will include all types,drug addictions,alcohol and food addiction,gambling addiction,whatever you have.
Christian content is preferred but not a necessity.